![]() Darkhaven is now available to buy in paperback - so if you've been holding out for a physical copy, this is your moment. You can buy it from Amazon (if you're in the UK) or from Wordery or Book Depository (both of which come with free worldwide shipping). It's currently 25% off at Book Depository, so that seems like a good option. Alternatively, if you are in the Milton Keynes area tomorrow, feel free to stop by the Waterstones and get a signed copy. I'll be there from noon and I'd love to see you. If you can't stretch to a physical copy, the ebook is still 99p (UK) or $1.99 (US), but I'm told that's about to end. So grab it now! Release day giveaway winnerMy mailing list subscribers were entered into a giveaway to win a paperback copy of Darkhaven plus a bunch of other prizes. The winner (picked at random) is Isabelle F. If you didn't win, or you aren't currently on my mailing list, then never fear! I will hold another giveaway when Goldenfire comes out in paperback, so stay tuned :-)
My second novel Goldenfire is coming out this week, so I thought you might like the chance to win a copy. Oh, yes ... and 99 other books. And a Kindle.
This giveaway is being run by Free Kindle Giveaway and it's very easy to enter. Just click on the link below! Or, if you want to see what you could win first, scroll down to look through all the prizes that will be given to the winner. Enter the giveaway here
Today is the official cover reveal for Goldenfire, my first Darkhaven sequel. It will be released by Harper Voyager on 14 January, but if you want to read it sooner, you can enter the giveaway below for your chance to win an advance ebook copy!
Welcome to Barren Island Books, the author interview series that’s in no way related to a popular music-based radio programme. You know the rules by now: my guests are exiled to a remote island with only five books for company, selected from the categories I give them. It’s up to them to make sure they choose wisely, because they’re going to be stuck with those books for a long, long time …
My interviewee this week is Michelle Hauck, author of epic fantasy novel Grudging – out this week from Harper Voyager Impulse. When she’s not being banished to a desert island, Michelle can be found at www.michelle4laughs.com. As part of her book launch, Michelle has put together a brilliant prize package of SFF novels – so stay tuned for the giveaway at the end of the interview! Welcome to Barren Island Books, the author interview series that’s in no way related to a popular music-based radio programme. You know the rules by now: my guests are exiled to a remote island with only five books for company, selected from the categories I give them. It’s up to them to make sure they choose wisely, because they’re going to be stuck with those books for a long, long time …
My interviewee this week is Aurora Walderhaug, author of humorous dark fantasy comic Mortis Comoedia, which appropriately was released for Halloween. When she’s not being banished to a desert island, Aurora can be found at www.aurora-walderhaug.co.uk. As part of her book launch, Aurora is giving away multiple prizes, including a copy of my very own Darkhaven – so stay tuned for the links at the end of the interview! The short: Something is happening! Win stuff! Buy book bargains!
The long: As the one canine and three human readers of this blog already know, my fantasy novel Darkhaven was released a month ago by Harper Voyager UK as part of their new digital-first programme. It was picked up, along with 14 others, as part of a two-week open door period back in 2012. And now, to celebrate, Voyager are running a week-long spotlight on their digital-first authors called #VirtualVoyager.
That's it! My blog tour finished yesterday! It's been a wonderful experience, with lots of awesome reviews for Darkhaven and so many kind, helpful and all-round lovely bloggers willing to let me appear on their sites.
Welcome to Barren Island Books, the author interview series that’s in no way related to a popular music-based radio programme. You know the rules by now: my guests are exiled to a remote island with only five books for company, selected from the categories I give them. It’s up to them to make sure they choose wisely, because they’re going to be stuck with those books for a long, long time …
My interviewee this week is W.R. Gingell, author of Wolfskin – currently on tour! When she’s not being banished to a desert island, W.R. can be found at www.wrgingell.com. Stay tuned for more information and a giveaway at the end of the interview!
I can hardly believe this has come round already, but here it is: the first day of the Darkhaven blog tour! Woo hoo!
Welcome to Barren Island Books, the author interview series that’s in no way related to a popular music-based radio programme. You know the rules by now: my guests are exiled to a remote island with only five books for company, selected from the categories I give them. It’s up to them to make sure they choose wisely, because they’re going to be stuck with those books for a long, long time …
My interviewee this week is Alesha Escobar, author of the Grey Tower trilogy and contributor to forthcoming sci-fi/ fantasy anthology Masters of Time. When she’s not being banished to a desert island, Alesha can be found at www.aleshaescobar.com, or on Facebook, Twitter or Amazon. You can watch the Masters of Time trailer and enter a giveaway at the end of the interview! |
July 2016